A Mediterranean-style diet rich in fruits, vegetables and nuts may help prevent allergic rhinitis and asthma symptoms in children, a new study suggests.
Researchers from Venezelion General Hospital in Greece, Royal Brompton Hospital in the United Kingdom, the University of Crete in Greece, the Centre for Research and Environmental Epidemiology in Spain and the Royal Brompton Hospital and National Heart and Lung Institute in London explained that atopy (inherited allergy) is relatively common among children living in rural Crete. However, wheezing and rhinitis (hay fever) are rare.
In the study, researchers examined whether this discrepancy could be attributed to a high consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables or adherence to a traditional Mediterranean diet.
A cross-sectional survey was performed in 690 children aged 7-18 years in rural Crete. Parents completed a questionnaire on their children’s respiratory and allergic symptoms, and a 58-item food frequency questionnaire. Adherence to a Mediterranean diet was measured with a scale on 12 dietary items. Children underwent skin prick tests with 10 common airborne allergens.
The study found that 80 percent of children ate fresh fruit, and 68 percent ate vegetables at least twice a day. The intake of grapes, oranges, apples and fresh tomatoes – the main local products in Crete – had no association with atopy, but they were protective against wheezing and rhinitis.
High consumption of nuts was found to be inversely associated with wheezing, whereas margarine increased the risk of both wheeze and allergic rhinitis. A high level of adherence to the Mediterranean diet was protective against allergic rhinitis, while a more modest protection was observed for wheezing and atopy.
Study authors concluded that the data suggest a beneficial effect of commonly consumed fruits, vegetables and nuts, and of a high adherence to a traditional Mediterranean diet during childhood on symptoms of asthma and rhinitis. Diet may explain the relative lack of allergic symptoms in this population
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