Friday, August 10, 2007

Physiological effects and relative concentrations of alcohol

Physiological effects at blood alcohol concentration

0 to 50mg%: No significant effect or mild euphoria

50 to 100mg%: Decreased inhibitions, increased self confidence, decreased attention span, mild incoordination, alteration of judgment, nystagmus

100 to 150mg%: Some mental confusion, emotional instability, loss of critical judgment, ataxia, impaired memory, sleepiness, slowed reaction time

150 to 300mg%: Loss of muscular coordination, staggering gait, marked mental confusion, drowsiness, exaggeration of emotions, dizziness, decreased pain response, disorientation, and thickened speech.

300 to 400mg%: Stupor, marked incoordination, marked decreased in response to stimuli, possibly coma

400 mg% or more: Anesthesia, depression of responses, respiratory, failure, deep coma, and death

Relative concentration of alcohol at equilibrium

Whole Blood: 1.00
Plasma or serum: 1.12 to 1.2
Brain: 0.85
Spinal fluid: 1.1 to 1.27
Vitreous: 1.2
Urine: 1.3
Liver: 0.85
Alveolar air: 0.021

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